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Kasim Flowers
Kasim Flowers

Unetlab Download

hello stuart, gret guide you got here. i'm having issues with my setup. both the iol and dynamips nodes. it just starts and stop almost immediately. see error logs below;Oct 12 19:53:09 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_1_0 2>&1Oct 12 19:53:09 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_1_1 2>&1Oct 12 19:53:09 INFO: CWD is /opt/unetlab/tmp/0/0b2ee493-b70d-400d-8672-b2c4796d02dd/1Oct 12 19:53:09 INFO: starting /opt/unetlab/wrappers/dynamips_wrapper -T 0 -D 1 -t "1710" -F /opt/unetlab/addons/dynamips/c1710-bk9no3r2sy-mz.124-23.image -d 0 -- -P 1700 -t 1710 -o 4 -c 0x2102 -X -l dynamips.txt --idle-pc 0x80369ac4 -N "1710" -i 1 -r 96 -n 128 -s 0:1:tap:vunl0_1_0 -s 0:0:tap:vunl0_1_1 > /opt/unetlab/tmp/0/0b2ee493-b70d-400d-8672-b2c4796d02dd/1/wrapper.txt 2>&1 &Oct 12 19:53:58 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_0 2>&1Oct 12 19:53:58 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_16 2>&1Oct 12 19:53:59 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_32 2>&1Oct 12 19:53:59 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_48 2>&1Oct 12 19:53:59 INFO: CWD is /opt/unetlab/tmp/0/0b2ee493-b70d-400d-8672-b2c4796d02dd/2Oct 12 19:53:59 INFO: starting /opt/unetlab/wrappers/iol_wrapper -T 0 -D 2 -t "R" -F /opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.1T.bin -d 0 -e 1 -s 1 -- -n 1024 -q -m 256 > /opt/unetlab/tmp/0/0b2ee493-b70d-400d-8672-b2c4796d02dd/2/wrapper.txt 2>&1 &Oct 12 20:09:25 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_0 2>&1Oct 12 20:09:25 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_16 2>&1Oct 12 20:09:25 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_32 2>&1Oct 12 20:09:25 INFO: tunctl -u unl0 -g root -t vunl0_2_48 2>&1Oct 12 20:09:25 INFO: CWD is /opt/unetlab/tmp/0/0b2ee493-b70d-400d-8672-b2c4796d02dd/2Oct 12 20:09:25 INFO: starting /opt/unetlab/wrappers/iol_wrapper -T 0 -D 2 -t "R" -F /opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.1T.bin -d 0 -e 1 -s 1 -- -n 1024 -q -m 256 > /opt/unetlab/tmp/0/0b2ee493-b70d-400d-8672-b2c4796d02dd/2/wrapper.txt 2>&1 &

Unetlab Download

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[email protected]:/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin# more iourc[license]eve-ng = 972f30267ef51616;[email protected]:/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissionsFeb 20 08:51:18 Feb 20 08:51:18 ERROR: Unlicensed[email protected]:/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin#

# /opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 chr-6.34.1.vmdk hda.qcow2# mkdir -p /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/mikrotik-6.34.1# mv hda.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/mikrotik-6.34.1/# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

Note in 2021.05.16: I tried all vQFX versions that I find to download from Juniper. No one work for me. Support EVE-PRO helped me with a vQFX 18.4 and was OK to ping between 2 different vQFX switches.

vQFX 18.4 contains different applications .qcow2 or .qcow or .img to download from Juniper. I used 2 Application Media 18.4R2-S2 but maybe EVE-PRO helped me with application, one or both, from Application Package.

I'm working on a virtual networking lab leveraging ESXi nested virtualization technology. Host is a Cisco UCS server based on dual socket Intel Xeon E5-2690 equipped with 128 GB RAM and running ESXi 6.0. Basically ESXi 6.0 supports a VM (16 vCPU, 64GB RAM assigned) running unetlab software. Internally unetlab, based on linux 64-bit kernel, supports multiple VMs (each of them implementing a network node - basically a "router") leveraging QEMU/KVM technology.

as said above ESXi 6 is installed on a Cisco UCS240 server (2 socket 12 core/24 HT each with total 128GB RAM) and lab VM has been assigned 4 vcpu and 8GB RAM.VM is running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - linux kernel 3.16.7 with unetlab software installed on it.

When you have VMware Player ready to go, grab the most recent build available from the UNetLab website here.I prefer the Google Drive option. At the moment of writing this, the version available for downloading is Unified Networking Lab-1.0.0-8.ova but we will be updating this later on to a more recent version.

when i entered this /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions it just tell me that there is not file or directory ????and when i turn on the switch on eve it turned on and suddenly stopped???

root@eve-ng:/# cd /opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrappers -a fixpermissions-bash: /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrappers: No such file or directoryroot@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin#


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